Wednesday, December 27, 2006

'nother day

That's what I keep telling myself as I sit at a desk job that pays the bills.

'nother day, 'nother dollar ... Well sometimes I don't know what that 'nother dollar does. Wait. Yes, yes I do know. It gets me just a little closer to doing the things I really need/want to do like start my own business, scrapbook, get new camera equipment (like my dearly loved Nikon D70s), to sell more things on e-bay, go to Yoga class, lose weight( yeah weight watchers), actually cook a semi-real dinner ( please I can't take another boxed taco dinner), take my cat to the vet, and fix the car.

Then there are days when I say 'nother dollar, what 'nother dollar?! Where did it go? I never saw it. Did I lose it? Did I drop it while getting the keys from my pocket? Did my foster daughter steal it for her lunch money? I'm almost 2 months over due for my yearly review (and hopefully a raise). I don't have a 'nother dollar!

Then there are days like today... when the the missing 'nother dollar magically appears... I put on a winter jacket, one I haven't worn since last year - it's finally getting cold out and surprise, in the inner pocket.. there was 10 'nother dollars.. 'thank Goddess' I think, as I put 5 in my gas tank and the other 5 bought me lunch. Then I get to work, answer phones, and deal with Co-workers (mental midgets) and idiots (if common sense was common everyone would have it) and think again is a 'nother day really worth a 'nother dollar?

On another note- Found a new website today, Finally someone understands my attitude problem.

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